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VPN with parental control

VPN with parental control

The Internet can be a dangerous place for children. Just like in the real world there are places which are simply not suited for minors – for instance pornographic content or sites advocating violence. Sometimes such content is only one click away from respectable websites, if they are coming by advertisement banners. But even a supposedly harmless Internet search search can present links to such content.

For this reason some kind of parental control software is a must for households where children have access to the Internet.

Won’t somebody please think of the children?

Child protection software

Perfect Privacy now offers a child protection filter. Unlike conventional parental control software the filter is implemented directly on our servers by using our TrackStop feature that already blocks malware, phishing and advertisement domains. The latest addition additionally filters out known fake news sites. These are already enticing features but with the child protection filter added the offer is now also attractive for responsible parents.

For these filters we are using publicly available block lists to provide the best possible protection for the young web surfers. With activated parental control filter websites advocating violence are blocked, the same applies to all pornographic, gambling, and malware content. It will also filter out sites containing so called warez (pirated content). We recommend setting up Perfect Privacy VPN directly on the router – this way all Internet capable devices in the household are childproof. And if your kids invite friends over, even their smart phones will be protected if they access the Internet over your WiFi connection – this is an advantage you don’t have with traditional parental control software.

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