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Set up the Perfect Privacy VPN App on macOS

Execute (double click) the downloaded file and go through the steps of the installation. You will need to enter your macOS administrator password in the process.
Once the installation is finished you can remove the software package, simply confirm that you want to move it into the trash.
You can now find the Perfect Privacy VPN app under Applications. Double click it to start the app.
After the program has started, the first thing you need to do is enter you Perfect Privacy credentials.
If the username/password is correct and the account is valid, the expiration date will be displayed.
To connect, click on either Country or City to choose a location. Click on any of the shield icons to reveal the Connect button. Clicking it will establish the connection.

Once connected you will see Connection established with the total duration of the connection in the top right. Furthermore you will see a Perfect Privacy icon in the status bar that shows your connection status.

Clicking on the Perfect Privacy icon in the status bar allows you to show the main window, disconnect, quickly connect to one of your favorite locations or to quit the VPN app.

If you want to verify that you are using a VPN connection in your browser, simply visit our Check IP page.
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