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OpenVPN in Linux Terminal

Change into the OpenVPN directory:

cd /etc/openvpn/

and download the Perfect Privacy configuration with the following command:

sudo wget --content-disposition

If you have special requirements, you can download OpenVPN configurations with alternative options in the download area.

Now unzip the downloaded file. Use -j to to put the content directly into the /etc/openvpn/ directory.

sudo unzip -j

If you do not want to enter your credentials every time you establish a connection, you can create a text file in which your username and password are stored. For this you may use the text editor (e.g. nano, vim) which you like best.

sudo nano password.txt

In the text file, enter your username and password, each in a single line, like shown on the screenshot to the left.

The command sudo chmod o-r password.txt withdraws the right to read the file for other users and thus protects the login credentials from getting read by users without root permission.

Now you will need to edit the server configuration file so it instructs OpenVPN to use the password.txt file you just created for the credentials. The server configurations always have the extension .conf and are named after the location. If you want to connect to, open Amsterdam.conf in your editor.

sudo nano Amsterdam.conf

In the line auth-user-pass add " password.txt" so the line reads like shown in the screenshot:
auth-user-pass password.txt

Alternatively this can be accomplished for all the configuration files using the following command:
sudo find /etc/openvpn/*.conf -type f -exec sed -i 's/auth-user-pass/auth-user-pass password.txt/g' {} \;

Important: The Ubuntu distribution used in this guide by default starts all OpenVPN configurations located in the /etc/openvpn/ directory! This is not what you want. The autostart behaviour can be adjusted using the /etc/default/openvpn file. Open the file with your text editor:

sudo nano /etc/default/openvpn

To not start any of the configurations it is sufficient to remove the comment sign (#) in front of the AUTOSTART="none" line. Alternatively you can choose one of the OpenVPN configurations, omitting the .conf file extension. For example such an entry for Amsterdam looks like this: AUTOSTART="Amsterdam"

For information how to adjust the autostart behaviour of OpenVPN on your distribution please refer to the respective ducumentation.

OpenVPN is now configured and you can start a connection with the following command:

sudo openvpn /etc/openvpn/Amsterdam.conf

If everything went correctly, it should say “Initialization Sequence Completed” at the end. You can terminate the connection by using CTRL-C. For productive usage you will probably want to run this in a screen so you can detach after the connection was established.

You can use our Check IP test also in the terminal to verify that the OpenVPN connection was established and is working correctly:

wget -q -O -
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