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Stealth VPN on Linux (OpenVPN & SSH)

Download OpenVPN profiles

First download the OpenVPN profiles for use with SSH and extract it. We will create a new directory for this.

mkdir stealthvpn_ssh

cd stealthvpn_ssh

wget --content-disposition ""

unzip -j

If you have special requirements, you can download OpenVPN configurations with advanced options in the download area.

Start SSH

For SSH to verify the connection, the known_hosts file is required. Download it as follows:


The OpenVPN profile expects the SSH tunnel as a SOCKS proxy on local port 10000, so start SSH as follows:

ssh -N -D -oUserKnownHostsFile=perfect_privacy_known_hosts -p 53 USER_NAME@IP_ADDRESS

Instead of IP_ADDRESS, use the IP address of the desired server. This can be found on the OpenVPN with Stealth VPN (SSH) overview page.

Our tip: Choose a location that is geographically as close as possible to achieve the best speed.

Instead of USER_NAME, enter your Perfect Privacy username here.

For the port you can choose between 22, 53, 443, 8085, 9009 or 36315. Ports 53 and 443 are particularly recommended to bypass VPN blocking (in the example, we chose port 53).

If you run the program by pressing Enter, you will be asked for your Perfect Privacy password. Enter this and confirm with Enter.

Start OpenVPN

Now you can start OpenVPN in a new terminal:

sudo openvpn VPN_PROFILE

Instead of VPN_PROFILE, use a configuration file of your choice (file extension .conf). In the example we use Basel1.conf.

Our tip: Choose a location that is geographically as close as possible to achieve the best speed.

Test the VPN connection

Now test whether your VPN connection is working correctly. Download the CheckIP data e.g. CSV formatted.

For IPv4:

wget -q -O -

And for IPv6:

wget -q -O -

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